7.15 and higherError Message
Mailbox "admin@company.onmicrosoft.com" does not exist.Cause
You have setup the backup that a admin without a license/mailbox will backup the other users and now you want to restore data from one of the users.During the restore process you've chosen "Original location".
During the restore process you're given a choice where the data has to be restored to.The process will temporarily use the mailbox belonging to the account that makes the backup to restore the data before moving it to the correct mailbox.
I case your admin account doesn't have a mailbox this will produce a warning that the mailbox does not exist.
All you have to do is select Alternate location instead of the Original location:
The Alternate location will give you a list of users in the account allowing you to choose the user where the data needs to be restored to.
The will make the process use the users mailbox instead of the admin mailbox allowing for the restoration of the data.